Názor k článku Debian stable na serveru po letech a jak dál od Jakub Moc - http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=237422 "The stable-proposed-updates repository has had fixes for these...

  • Článek je starý, nové názory již nelze přidávat.
  • 29. 12. 2004 14:43

    Jakub Moc (neregistrovaný)


    "The stable-proposed-updates repository has had fixes for these bugs for months, since the maintainer incorporated my patches last October; see archived bugs 212464, 212466, 212467, 212481. When he uploaded the fixed packages, the bugs were closed, though not released as security updates, nor included in woody updates.

    As to why the security team has not updated stable in the year and a half (at least) [!!!] since some of these security holes were disclosed, well, I'll let them explain that one..."

    No comment. At zije stabilita.