Názor k článku Deset důvodů, proč odejít z Facebooku od Jarda_P - Skoncujte s facebookem a podobnymi, spachejte virtualni sebevrazdu: http://suicidemachine.org/ Suicidemachine za...

  • Článek je starý, nové názory již nelze přidávat.
  • 6. 5. 2010 10:19


    Skoncujte s facebookem a podobnymi, spachejte virtualni sebevrazdu: http://suicidemachine.org/

    Suicidemachine za vas vykona nasledujici:

    logging into your account
    changing your password and your profile picture
    excluding your account from public search
    removing all email notifications
    removing all your friends
    removing all groups you were member of
    removing all your wall posts (beta)
    joining the group „Social Network Suiciders“
    logging out

    logging into your account
    removing all your friends
    leaving a status message that you've comitted suicide
    logging out

    logging into your account
    changing your password and your profile picture
    removing all your business connections
    logging out

    logging into your account
    changing your password and your profile picture
    removing all people you follow
    removing all your followers
    removing all your tweets
    logging out