Názor k článku ENT - Program pro testování sekvencí pseudonáhodných čísel od Zdeněk Vitner - Jedina nevyhoda je, ze je trosku pomalejsi. Entropy =...

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  • 17. 1. 2005 7:08

    Zdeněk Vitner (neregistrovaný)

    Jedina nevyhoda je, ze je trosku pomalejsi.

    Entropy = 7.999390 bits per byte.

    Optimum compression would reduce the size
    of this 312690 byte file by 0 percent.

    Chi square distribution for 312690 samples is 264.33, and randomly
    would exceed this value 50.00 percent of the times.

    Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 127.6724 (127.5 = random).
    Monte Carlo value for Pi is 3.138060059 (error 0.11 percent).
    Serial correlation coefficient is -0.000603 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).