Názor k článku Evropská komise chce jednotnou nabíječku s USB-C a Power Delivery od mark42 - Tu je original tlacova sprava v anglictine: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_4613 Nizsie...

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  • 25. 9. 2021 9:03


    Tu je original tlacova sprava v anglictine: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_4613

    Nizsie vynatky, z ktorych som si to odvodil, popri uvahe, ktoru som uz postoval vyssie, ze "starej" microusb direktive nevyhovovali proprietarne porty na zariadeniach, aj ked sa nabijali nabijackou poskytujucou USB-A, a aj v tlacovej sprave sa pise, ze "znizili pocet roznych nabijacich rieseni z 30 na 3" (co chapem ako microUSB, USB-C, Lightning port na strane zariadenia)

    A harmonised charging port for electronic devices: USB-C will be the common port. This will allow consumers to charge their devices with the same USB-C charger, regardless of the device brand.
    -- hovori sa o Device (toto je aj v ceskom preklade)

    To ultimately have a common charger, full interoperability is required on both sides of the cable: the electronic device and the external power supply. The interoperability on the device end, which is by far the bigger challenge, will be achieved by today's proposal. *** The interoperability of the external power supply will be addressed by the review of the Commission's Ecodesign Regulation. This will be launched later this year so that its entry into force can be aligned with today's proposal.
    -- na zaciatku*** sa hovori o Device end, a je tam jasne aj vysvetlene, ze nabijacky (power supply) budu riesit paralelne... a tymto by som dokazovanie ukoncil :)