Ja uz jsem setkal s takovou sortou lidi a nastavenim klientu, ze se uz nedivim vubec nicemu a co nevidim na vlastnim monitoru a nemuzu primo vyzkouset ... tak tomu neverim :-))
Trosku jsem pohledal v Database Globalization Support Guide
Tabulka priorit pro nastaveni nls je:
Table 3-1 Methods of Setting NLS Parameters and Their Priorities
Table 3-1 shows the precedence order of the different methods of setting NLS parameters. Higher priority settings override lower priority settings. For example, a default value has the lowest priority and can be overridden by any other method.
Priority Method
1 (highest)
Explicitly set in SQL functions
Set by an ALTER SESSION statement
Set as an environment variable
Specified in the initialization parameter file
NLS_COMP a NLS_SORT lze nastavit vsemi zpusoby: I = Initialization Parameter File E = Environment Variable A = ALTER SESSION
Hodne stesti, Oracle forever ;-)