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Názor k článku Kardiostimulátory mají tisíce chyb, kupte ho na eBay a zkuste hacknout od Peter Fodrek - Tak áno, pri cenách IT security expertov je...

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  • 9. 6. 2017 15:33

    Peter Fodrek
    Zlatý podporovatel

    Tak áno, pri cenách IT security expertov je často potenciálna škoda nižsia ako cena za zabezpečenie systému

    IT salary not enough? Want to make £10,000 a DAY?
    Time to call yourself a cybersecurity expert
    8 Dec 2015 at 19:32,

    "Some individuals can command daily rates in excess of £3,000, and some top cyber-security specialists can even earn five-figure sums daily," according to Manpower – saying this is something that is set to continue for the foreseeable future.

    teda od
    10 000 (British pounds per day) =
    346 892.521 Euros per month

    10 000 (British pounds per day) =
    9 104 533.44 Czech koruny per month


    99 999 (British pounds per day) =
    3 468 890.52 Euros per month

    99 999 (British pounds per day) =
    91 044 424 Czech koruny per month