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Názor k článku Linus zřejmě podpoří přechod Linuxu na GNU GPL 3 od anonym - ... spíš je zde přání otcem myšlenky: "... the...

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  • 15. 6. 2007 0:31

    ... spíš je zde přání otcem myšlenky:

    "... the GPLv3 is horrible.

    And you know what? YOU can choose the GPLv3 for your projects. I'm not
    saying anything else. I'm saying that no, I was _not_ confused when I
    chose the GPLv2. I thought it was a good license 15 years ago. I thought
    it was a good license 10 years ago. I thought it was a good license five
    years ago. And I think it's a good license today.

    Because it fundamnetally does what I think is fair.

    In a way that the GPLv3 DOES NOT."

    Linus Torvalds, 14.6.2007, http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/6/14/253