tmux offers several advantages over screen:
- a clearly-defined client-server model: windows are independent entities which
may be attached simultaneously to multiple sessions and viewed from multiple
clients (terminals), as well as moved freely between sessions within the same
tmux server;
- a consistent, well-documented command interface, with the same syntax
whether used interactively, as a key binding, or from the shell;
- easily scriptable from the shell;
- multiple paste buffers;
- choice of vi or emacs key layouts;
- an option to limit the window size;
- a more usable status line syntax, with the ability to display the
first line of output of a specific command;
- a cleaner, modern, easily extended, BSD-licensed codebase.
IMHO tmux is less bloated: it uses less memory than GNU/screen.
And is much more well written.
Theo: The most impressive thing about tmux, in my view, is how frustrating the code audit was. In 2 hours, I found only one or two nits that had very minor security consequences.
It was not accepted into the tree based on license alone. It is high quality code.
Naposledy, kdyz jsem ve screenu zkousel rozdelit si okno vertikalne na dve, a to leve aby melo presne 80 znaku na sirku, musel jsem aplikovat asi 2 patche a malem jsem u toho porodil. V tmuxu staci ^B (" nebo %, cili horizontalne/vertikalne) a potom ^B (Ctrl+sipky) na resize.
Zkousel jste nekdy pracovat se screenem ve screenu? Tj. prihlasit se na 1 server, pustit screen a odtud se prihlasit jinam a pustit si screen tam? A jak se vam potom detachovaly?
A jak rychle a jak casto pouzivate ve screenu copy+paste? Jak ve screenu zabijete okno se zakouslym programem? (vivat minicom)