Názor k článku OpenOffice.org s IBM: Nová cesta kanceláře? od anonym - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard: Standardization or standardisation, in the context related to...

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  • 12. 9. 2007 18:15


    Standardization or standardisation, in the context related to technologies and industries, is the process of establishing a technical specification, called a standard, among competing entities in a market, where this will bring benefits without hurting competition. It can also be viewed as a mechanism for optimising economic use of scarce resources such as forests, which are threatened by paper manufacture. As an example, all of Europe now uses 230 volt 50 Hz AC mains grids and GSM mobile phones, and (at least officially) measures lengths in metres. The United Kingdom has officially accepted metres for business purposes but feet and inches are still widely used by the general public.

    Vsimnete si

    1. "is the process of establishing a _technical specification_"
    2. "where this will bring benefits without _hurting competition_"