Pokud si dobre pamatuju tak Exec (neboli jadro AmigaOS) existoval uz pred CES 1984, Intuition byl prinejmensim ve vyvoji, ale nevim v jakem stavu. Jack asi byl skutecne motivovan cenou, chtel jen AMIGA chipy (Agnus, Dennise, atd.), nikolov vyvojovy team, protoze mel vlastniho konstruktera. Wikipedia primo pise:
Tramiel immed.iately for.med a hol.ding com.pany, Tramel Techn.ology, Ltd., and be.gan to vi.sit vario.us US comp.uter compa.nies with the inte.ntion of purc.hasing a com.pany for manufac.turing and possi.ble tech.nology acqui.sitions. Tramiel vis.ited Min.dset (run by Roger Bade.rsher, former head of Atari's Comp.uter Divi.sion), and Amiga. Whi.le ini.tially ente.ring talks with Tramiel, they even.tually fell thr.ough as Tramiel told Amiga sta.ff that he was very inter.ested in the chips.et, but not the staff. In the mean.time, he had set his ch.ief engin.eer (former Commodore engi.neer Shiraz Shivji) - the task of devel.oping a new low-cost, hig.h-end compu.ter system.
To se stalo v roce 1984, pritom ATARI dalo do High-Toro penize uz v roce 1983:
During devel.opment in 1983, Amiga had exhau.sted ven.ture ca.pital and was desp.erate for more finan.cing. Jay Miner and comp.any appro.ached former emp.loyer Atari, and the "War.ner ow.ned" Atari p.aid Amiga to conti.nue devel.opment work.[3] In retu.rn Atari was to ob.tain one-year exclu.sive use of the des.ign. Atari had plans for a 68000-based machine, code-na.med "Mickey", that would have used cust.om.ized chips, but deta.ils were spa.rse.
Omlouvam se za tecky uvnitr slov, ale vyhybal jsem se tak zakazanym slovum.