Jako obvykle pěkný článek, byť netuším zda to ocení lidi bez zájmu o Lisp.
Mezi linky by možná patřilo velmi dobré Evolution of Lisp (třeba http://www.dreamsongs.com/NewFiles/Hopl2.pdf) od Gabriela a Steela (kdo se o Lisp zajímá, jména asi zná). Zaujalo mě tam třeba
the early MIT Lisp Machines in fact did not implement a garbage collector for
quite some years; or rather, even when the garbage collector appeared, users preferred to disable
it. Most of the programming tools (notably the compiler and program text editor) were designed
to avoid consing and to explicitly reclaim temporary data structures whenever possible; given this,
the Lisp Machine address spaces were large enough, and the virtual memory system good enough,
that a user could run for several days or even a few weeks before having to save out the running
“world” to disk and restart it.
Z tištěných věcí Hillsovo Connection Machine vydala Grada dokonce i v češtině (1993), ani mě nepřekvapuje že pak to bylo ve výprodeji za 10,–