Hlavne se to neda srovnavat.
Se Z80 neni v podstate kompatibilni zadny "moderni" programovaci jazyk.
A moderni IDE nepobezi ani na systemu s 1000x vice pameti. Stale to bude malo.
A zadny moderni jazyk nezvladne pro Z80 ani cross compiling. Je pekne ze novy jazyk umi nejake vymozenosti, ale pokud nezvladne ani "Hello Word" tak je z hlediska 8 bitu uplne k nicemu...
Takze zbyva nejake projekty fanousku, jako z88dk, ale ty jsou 10x horsi nez co napise clovek v assembleru...
Se Z80 si rozumi jedine Forth, ten by Sinclair Basic porazil.
Jen tak nejak Forth nikoho nezajima... nebo se ho boji.
Kdyz se podivas na oznameni noveho Forthu, ktery umi i zpetne optimalizace kodu:
F8 Forth cross-compiler, featuring Succubus, native Z80 code writer
F8 is FAST cross-compiler for Forth language. instead of using an interpreter, as most Forth systems do, F8 generates native machine code, and inlines a lot of primitives on its way. my usual Erathostenes benchmark is ~8 times faster than with Abersoft Forth Recompiled (which is DTC, and already faster than the original Abersoft Forth).
to give you some numbers: Abersoft Recompiled takes about 9 seconds (slighly less) to finish the benchmark, and F8 is able to do it in ~800 msecs.
of course, for real programs the results will not be such impressive, but i still expect x2-x5 speedup for most Forth code.
yet everything has its price: the code generated by F8 is bigger than the usual Forth threaded code. and you won't have an interactive interpreter to play with. but F8 is able to trace your program, and include only words it used. i.e. you tell F8 what the "main" word is, and F8 includes only the code which was really used, throwing away everything else. it also throws away all word headers. so most of the time, F8 will be able to produce both smaller and faster programs.
i wrote F8 because i am planning to use it for writing my own software, so it's not Yet Another Toy Project. also, F8 comes with a freebe: native x86 Forth compiler for GNU/Linux (because this is the language F8 written in).
(ok, i must confess that it was started as R&D project for Succubus/Z80, and it is still highly experimental. but it works, and works even better than i expected.)
both compilers featuring Succubus — optimising native code writer. for x86, Succubus is able to generate machine code comparable with SPF4, and she prolly even able to beat some commercial Forth compilers. most of the time,
x86 code generated by Succubus is ~2 times slower than "gcc -O2". and she is able to do that in milliseconds! rebuilding the whole x86 system takes ~60 msecs, and this is more than 500 KB of Forth code!
when Succubus writing code for Z80, she is lightning fast too. even for huge Forth programs you will prolly not be able to notice the compiling itself. your Speccy emulator might start slower than Succubus finishing her job! ;-)
so you'll be able to instantly test your Forth code, almost like if you have an interactive interpreter!
tak uvidis nulovy ohlas.
Jak mas reagovat kdyz nekdo dokaze napsat vlastni programovaci jazyk, kompiler, ide a operacni system a jeste to dokaze konkurovat obrim projektum jako gcc?
To bude urcite silene a nebo na tohle nemam... ta kralici nora je prilis hluboka.