dělávalo se to přes ty interní timery AdLibu - prostě se přes 0x388/0x389 spustily a testovalo se, jestli běží.
V manuálu, co mám, to je popsaný trošku zdlouhavě:
| 1) Reset both timers by writing 60h to register 4. | 2) Enable the interrupts by writing 80h to register 4. NOTE: this | must be a separate step from number 1. | 3) Read the status register (port 388h). Store the result. | 4) Write FFh to register 2 (Timer 1). | 5) Start timer 1 by writing 21h to register 4. | 6) Delay for at least 80 microseconds. | 7) Read the status register (port 388h). Store the result. | 8) Reset both timers and interrupts (see steps 1 and 2). | 9) Test the stored results of steps 3 and 7 by ANDing them | with E0h. The result of step 3 should be 00h, and the | result of step 7 should be C0h. If both are correct, an | AdLib-compatible board is installed in the computer.