Ten autor mi prijde docela fundamentalisticky -- a zbytecne.
Ten PEP rika
It is anticipated that there will eventually come a time where the third party ecosystem surrounding Python 3 is sufficiently mature for this recommendation to be updated to suggest that the python symlink refer to python3 rather than python2.
ale soucasne rika i
If the Python 2 interpreter becomes uncommon, scripts should nevertheless continue to use the python3 convention rather that just python. This will ease transition in the event that yet another major version of Python is released.
Cili ciste teorieticky nic nestoji v ceste tomu, aby python (bez cisla verze), vyhynul nebo byl navzdy spojen s pythonem 2.x. Zjednodusilo by to potom skriptovani.
Bohuzel tato fundamentalisticka preznacovaci manie v distribucich (cimz je jiz ocividne nakazeny i redhat a fedora) ma za nasledek, ze dneska neexistuje python 2.7 shebang, ktery by fungoval vsude -- python je v ArchLinuxu defaultne python3 (navzdory tomuto PEP, ale to muze byt problem soubehu), s python2 mame zase v nasem projektu problemy s MacOS X, protoze ten symlink se standardne nevytvari (a pravdepodobne i nekde jinde, ale ted si nevzpomenu).