Abych řekl pravdu, nevím, co si o tom mám myslet - asi jedině zrušit patenty úplně, protože jak chcete rozlišit oprávněný a neoprávněný patent? Podle míry složitosti? A jak určíte tu míru? Proč nám nevadí 'patentní zámky' apod.?
Jeden relevantní citátek jednoho z našich mesiášů ;-)
'As a matter of history, the opposite is true. The idea of natural
rights of authors was proposed and decisively rejected when the
US Constitution was drawn up. That's why the Constitution only
permits a system of copyright and does not require one; that's why
it says that copyright must be temporary. It also states that the
purpose of copyright is to promote progress---not to reward
authors. Copyright does reward authors somewhat, and publishers
more, but that is intended as a means of modifying their behavior.'
By Richard Stallman of GNU
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