Názor k článku Rigs of Rods: jeďte, plujte nebo leťte realistickou fyzikou od anonym - Aku mate verziu? tomas@SUSE111TS:~> rigsofrods -v Rigs of Rods version...

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  • 6. 11. 2009 16:43

    bez přezdívky

    Aku mate verziu?

    tomas@SUSE111TS:~> rigsofrods -v
    Rigs of Rods version 0.36.1
    $Rev: 261 $
    $Id: ExampleFrameLis­tener.h 261 2009–05–13 11:31:35Z rorthomas $


    Mne to aj sa vasim configom pise to samu chybu:

    loading cache…
    cache loaded!
    *** Inputsystem prepare for shutdown ***
    *** Terminating OIS ***
    An exception has occured:
    OGRE EXCEPTION(5:I­temIdentityEx­ception): OverlayElement with name tracks/Message not found. in OverlayManager::ge­tOverlayElemen­tImpl at /usr/src/packa­ges/BUILD/rig­sofrods/build/de­pendencies/ogre­new/OgreMain/src/O­greOverlayMana­ger.cpp (line 588)

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