> On se pro ten klasický linuxový desktop asi nikdy nenašel masový důvod
V minulom čase to platí.. Práve teraz beží vyšetrovanie, či štátne inštitúcie v EÚ môžu používať služby ako Office 356, a či ich používanie na osobné údaje neporušuje GDPR. Holanďania dokonca tvrdia, že áno, lebo nie všetky služby bežia na serveroch v EÚ, ale v USA,ktoré nie je kompatibilné s GDPR a teda osobné údaje nesmú byť spracovávané tam, +zákon, že všetok zákazkový SW pre verejný sektor a za verejné peniaze
v Slovenskej republike má byť po European Union Public License, ktorý sa práve schvaľuje v parlamente,by mohol veci zmeniť.
Časť zdrojových materiálov,,
Nová hrozba: dostupné webové služby zřejmě nesplňují GDPR
Podle švédské studie nyní neexistují webové kancelářské služby (textový procesor, e-mail, textové zprávy, videochat), které by vyhovovaly nařízení GDPR. Nejvýznamnější poskytovatelé těchto služeb jsou pod jurisdikcí USA a dva tamní zákony ukládají povinnosti, které jsou v rozporu s GDPR.
Spectre of GDPR continues to haunt the halls of Redmond
8 Apr 2019 at 18:07
The European Union's Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has announced an investigation into Microsoft products used by EU institutions.
This examined the transmission of diagnostic data in Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus subscriptions and found that 25,000 'events' in Office 365 were recorded, transmitted and shared among 30 engineering teams at Microsoft.
"Any EU institutions using the Microsoft applications investigated in this report are likely to face similar issues to those encountered by national public authorities, including increased risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals," claimed the EDPS.
...data leaks to GDPR compliance issues with Microsoft and Google products. At Nextcloud, we recently blogged about how Sweden, the Netherlands and even the US privacy watchdogs all concluded that US clouds are not GPDR compliant
2. 30/01/2019
The State IT Act (Act on Information Technologies in Public Administration) goes to the Slovakian Parliament for vote. It was endorsed by the Slovak government at the end of 2018 and is now at the Parliament agenda for adoption and entry into force in May 2019.
The law will cover all software that the state will develop, itself or via contractors.
Concerning this software, the main points highlighted by the law are as follows:
vendors would have to hand over the source codes to the software they created;
the software would be covered by an EUPL license, which in practice says that the vendor will allow the use of the work under "in any circumstances and in any way";
EUPL je evidovaná OSI
OSI updates licence categories
Patrice-Emmanuel Schmitz