Názor k článku SCO vlastní váš počítač od michal - Nejsem zadnej velkej prebornik na anglictinu, ale pride...

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  • 20. 6. 2003 11:39

    michal (neregistrovaný)

    Nejsem zadnej velkej prebornik na anglictinu, ale pride mi, ze ten clanek na byte.com je o necem jinem. Doporucuji prostudovat original, tenhle preklad se nepovedl.
    I listened to how IBM has bypassed U.S. export controls with Linux. How "Syria and Libya and North Korea" are all building supercomputers with Linux and inexpensive Intel hardware, in violation of U.S. export control laws. These laws would normally restrict export of technologies such as JFS, NUMA, RCU, and SMP—and, (I was waiting for this) "encryption technologies." "We know that is occurring in Syria," I heard, even though my mind was fogging over at this point.

    Prekladat jako:
    Sontag věří, že technologie, jež byly zcizeny a zaneseny do systémů AIX, IRIX a odvozených UNIX like systémů (včetně Linuxu), jsou:
    JFS(Journalling File System), NUMA (Nón Uniform Memory Access), RCU (Read-Copy-Update) a SMP (Symmetrical Multi-Processing).

    Je dost odvazne......