Názor k článku Screen: ještě mocnější terminál od anonym - Skus pozriet /etc/screenrc / ~/.screenrc a pohladat tam...

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  • 27. 3. 2007 11:41


    Skus pozriet /etc/screenrc / ~/.screenrc a pohladat tam nieco taketo:

    Red Hat - based distra:

    # Do not use xterms alternate window buffer.
    # This one would not add lines to the scrollback buffer.
    #termcap xterm|xterms|xs ti=\E7\E[?47l
    #terminfo xterm|xterms|xs ti=\E7\E[?47l

    Debian - based distra:

    # To get screen to add lines to xterm's scrollback buffer, uncomment the
    # following termcapinfo line which tells xterm to use the normal screen buffer
    # (which has scrollback), not the alternate screen buffer.
    #termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@

    Odkomentovat prislusne riadky + restart screenu. Akurat to ma nevyhodu, ze pri prepinani obrazoviek to mrsi scrollback buffer, zvycajne to ale postacuje. V pripade nudze mozno pouzit aj copy mode.