Názor k článku Softwarová sklizeň (14. 1. 2009) od Xeelee - Já bych spíš uvítal něco jako SpaceMonger. Autor...

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  • 14. 1. 2009 20:30

    Já bych spíš uvítal něco jako SpaceMonger. Autor ve FAQ píše:
    Will there be versions of SpaceMonger for MacOS or Linux?
    Hopefully. The internals of v2.1 are written to be very, very portable, unlike the ungodly mess that was v1.4. After the Windows release, I'm hoping to do a Linux version. That will help iron out any portability problems that may remain (and it's also good because I use Linux, too), and since a lot of the program's current users are system administrators, I know there would be a Unix (Linux) market for it too. There's also a pretty large number of Mac users out there, and I'd really like to do a Mac port at some point, because I like what Apple is doing and want to support that platform. Since MacOS X is internally a Unix, doing a Linux port would actually go a long way toward getting a MacOS X version written. But first comes the Windows version, because without its sales, I can't subsidize the time it will take to port to Linux or the Mac.
    tak se snad dočkáme.