Názor k článku TabNabbing krade přihlašovací údaje nepozorným od # - to je hezky, ze mas patent na rozum...

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  • 31. 5. 2010 10:31

    # (neregistrovaný)

    to je hezky, ze mas patent na rozum …



    + Experimental blocking of page refreshes happening inside untrusted
    unfocused tabs, should provide protection against Aviv Raff's scriptless
    variant. Enabled by default, can be controlled through the
    noscript.forbid­BGRefresh about:config integer preference:
    0 – no blocking
    1 – block refreshes on untrusted unfocused tabs
    2 – block refreshes on trusted unfocused tabs
    3 – block refreshes on both trusted and untrusted unfocused tab
    Address patterns matching pages which shouldn't be affected can be
    listed in the noscript.forbid­BGRefresh.excep­tions preference