Názor k článku Tři nástrahy GraphQL: na co si dát pozor od Ondra Satai Nekola - https://octoverse.github.com/projects "Fastest growing languages We’re seeing trends toward more statically...

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  • 28. 10. 2018 6:44

    Ondra Satai Nekola
    Zlatý podporovatel


    "Fastest growing languages

    We’re seeing trends toward more statically typed languages focused on thread safety and interoperability: Kotlin, TypeScript, and Rust are growing fast this year.

    In addition, the number of contributors writing HCL, a human readable language for DevOps, has more than doubled since 2017. Popular in machine learning projects, Python is at #8. And there are 1.5x more contributors writing Go this year than last year."

    Meziroční růst na 1.7 násobek. Fakt umírá, věštče.