No pri selhani APOP v bezpecne variante (kdyz jsem to ted zkousel ladit pres netcat) to alespon vyhlasi chybu, ze server nepodporuje bezpecnou autentizaci. Ale neobjevil jsem zadnou Ameriku, jiz je to popsano tady, jak jsem prave zjistil:
A number of POP3 servers support APOP, but most of them require some
special configuration. And it seems like Mozilla attempts to use APOP if
APOP banner is present in server reply and no secure protocol is
configured. So yes, it's used, but mostly as an alternative to
cleartext. Based on last 115000 sessions statistics for ISP's mail
server with CRAM-MD5, APOP and NTLM support, ~7000 mailboxes: