

libtasn1config - Get information about the installed location of libtasn1


libtasn1config libtasn1config [--prefix[=path]] [--execprefix[=path]] [--version] [--cflags] [--libs]


This program provides information about the installed version of libtasn1, it's location and it's compile time options.


If provided with no path then it prints the prefix that libtasn1 was installed to. If a path is provided then this is the prefix that is used in the output.
If provided with no path then it prints the execprefix that libtasn was installed to. If a path is provided then that is the execprefix used in the output.
Prints the cflags that libtasn1 was compiled with.
Prints command line arguments suitable for passing to the compiler for liking against libtasn1
Prints the version of libtasn1 installed.