
." Autogenerated manpage


lookupservice - Server program to serve messages over XML-RPC As this is implemented using the base classes (see storage.base), the work is minimal to use this with any storage format that is implemented using the base classes. Strictly speaking, only an init... function needs to be registered.


lookupservice [--version] [-h|--help] [--manpage] [--progress PROGRESS] [--errorlevel ERRORLEVEL] [-i|--input] INPUT [--psyco MODE] [-a|--address] [-p|--port] [-l|--language LANG] [--source-language LANG] [--columnorder]


show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
output a manpage based on the help
show progress as: dots, none, bar, names, verbose
show errorlevel as: none, message, exception, traceback
-iINPUT, --input=INPUT
read from INPUT in tmx, tbx, csv, po, pot formats
use psyco to speed up the operation, modes: none, full, profile
-aADDRESS, --address=ADDRESS
the host to bind to
-pPORT, --port=PORT
the port to listen on
-lLANG, --language=LANG
set target language code
set source language code
specify the order and position of columns for CSV (comment,source,target)