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  • 13. 6. 2013 9:55


    Vidim, ze uz bylo pozde a nejak se vam uz delaly mzitky pred ocima. Tohle je o broucich a nesouvisi to ani s filmem Isle of Flowers, ani s reckym ostrovem Ikaria. Smichal jste to s pate pres devate.

    Ten film byl tady: "Francouzsky: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhfg43_l-ile-aux-fleurs-ilha-das-flores-court-metrage_news#.UbZHUs5Rd6o Anglicky: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xyf8dv_isle-of-flowers-jorge-furtado-1989_tech#.UbZHTc5Rd6p

    Kvuli lepe mluvenemu komentari doporucuji francouzskou verzi. Aspon si zase procvicite francouzstinu."

    O studii dlouhovekosti na Ikarii pisi tady: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/28/magazine/the-island-where-people-forget-to-die.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&

    Asi jste si to blbe precetl, protoze, pokud se dobre pamatuji, tam pisi take o tom, ze z duvodu pochybnosti o urceni data narozeni, eliminovali ze studie spoustu kandidatu, aby pracovali s co nejcistsim vzorkem: "Before including subjects, Poulain cross-referenced birth records against baptism or military documentation.".

    Nakonec dospeli k zaveru, ze "After gathering all the data, he and his colleagues at the University of Athens concluded that people on Ikaria were, in fact, reaching the age of 90 at two and a half times the rate Americans do. (Ikarian men in particular are nearly four times as likely as their American counterparts to reach 90, often in better health.) But more than that, they were also living about 8 to 10 years longer before succumbing to cancers and cardiovascular disease, and they suffered less depression and about a quarter the rate of dementia. Almost half of Americans 85 and older show signs of Alzheimer’s. (The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that dementia cost Americans some $200 billion in 2012.) On Ikaria, however, people have been managing to stay sharp to the end."