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Bude příští kernel napsaný v Go? od unicode - To je pravda, psal jsem to unáhleně, ale...

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  • 10. 10. 2018 15:21

    unicode (neregistrovaný)

    To je pravda, psal jsem to unáhleně, ale to porovnání v tom článku je hodně povrchní:

    1. There are a number of kernels in Rust, but none were written with the goal of comparing with C as an implementation language.

    2. There is no consensus about whether a systems programming language should have automatic garbage-collection. For example, Rust is partially motivated by the idea that garbage collection cannot be made efficient; instead, the Rust compiler analyzes the program to partially automate freeing of memory. This approach can make sharing data among multiple threads or closures awkward.

    3. A language without a compiler as good as Go’s, or whose design was more removed from the underlying machine, might perform less well. On the other hand, a language such as Rust that avoids garbage collection might provide higher performance as well as safety, though perhaps at some cost in programmability for threaded code.

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