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Názor ke zprávičce Disney v sitcomu odrazuje od open source od jos - teda ten první link vede na něco sedm...

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  • 23. 8. 2012 14:20

    jos (neregistrovaný)

    teda ten první link vede na něco sedm let starýho, to sem ani nečetl

    to druhý není datovaný, zaujala mě pasáž

    "Secrecy improves security. When a poor security system, such as Linux, is made public, attackers can carefully study its defenses looking for vulnerabilities, so they have no difficulty defeating it. When a poor security system, such as Windows, is kept secret, attackers have greater difficulty finding vulnerabilities so it is harder to defeat. But within days after a large chunk of secret Windows source code was stolen and made public in early 2004, hackers had released viruses and worms based on vulnerabilities they found in the stolen source code."

    takže widle sou bezpečnější i s když sou děravější, protože se nemůže každej jouda hrabat ve zdrojácích; počet odhalených zranitelnosti != počet zranitelností

    a to třetí - výjimka potvrzuje pravidlo, tohle se u M$ děje taky