Zní to dobře a hlavně mě potěšilo, že by to mohlo slušně podporovat i SSD ( http://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/FAQ#… ):
Is Btrfs optimized for SSD?
There are some optimizations for SSD drives, and you can enable them by mounting with -o ssd. As of 2.6.31-rc1, this mount option will be enabled if Btrfs is able to detect non-rotating storage. SSD is going to be a big part of future storage, and the Btrfs developers plan on tuning for it heavily.
Takze zapisovatelne snapshoty umi i VLM2 ;-))
nevim ale, jaky snapshot dela Btrfs, nebot LVM ma v snapshotu stara data, tedy zahozenim snapshotu nedosahnu vraceni se zpet.
Dale vratit se zpet umi i YUM a RPM, nebot ma historii i s casem a rekne se at se vrati X hours/days/months ago ;-)))