Some companies, such as Google, use code covered by GPL to offer their services through the Web. Do you plan to extend GPL 3 copyleft to request code publication in this case too, considering this behavior like a product distribution?
Running a program in a public server is not distribution; it is public use. We're looking at an approach where programs used in this way will have to include a command for the user to download the source for the version that is running.
But this will not apply to all GPL-covered programs, only to programs that already contain such a command. Thus, this change would have no effect on existing software, but developers could activate it in the future.
This is only a tentative plan, because we have not finished studying the matter to be sure it will work.
How would it work?
If you release a program that implements such a command, GPL 3 will require others to keep the command working in their modified versions of the program.
tohle mě zajímá - jak to bude? Když to postavím na Apachi, který bude pod GPL3, pak to budu muset uvolnit? Asi ne, právě toto je odlišnost webservice a "dát něco stáhnout".
Ten samý problém je komunikace klient-server - když napíšu aplikaci která komunikuje s kusy kódu typu Gecko Mozilla rozšíření, apod. je fajn, že určují přesnou hranici, kdy musím kód zveřejnit a kdy ne.
Teda ne že bych něco za poslední rok napsal :-)