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Názor ke zprávičce Gspca v jádře od JardaP - Asi to budde trochu slabsi: "At the moment,...

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  • 22. 7. 2008 22:57

    JardaP (neregistrovaný)
    Asi to budde trochu slabsi: "At the moment, manufacturers of usb bridge and camera sensor did not help us.

    Therefore, this driver is the result of reverse engineering the protocols and functionality provided by these chips.

    This limits what we can do, and it limits the quality of the driver, but without manufacturer supplying us with the needed specifications and technical documentation, we can only guess some basic functions."

    A treba moje Philips camera PCVC 740K zrejme neni podporovana, ledaze by to bylo kompatibilni s nejakou jinou. Jestli po zarazeni gspca vyradi pwc-re driver, ktery navic je jen v V4l a ne v V4l2, budu mit radost. CCD kamer na trhu moc neni a nejsou zrovna nejlevnejsi. :-(