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Názor ke zprávičce Intel záplatuje bezpečnostní díry v GPU od Ivy Bridge (2012) po Coffee Lake (2017) od Peter Fodrek - >.. se možnosti získání dat z GPU Intel...

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  • 15. 1. 2020 17:17

    Peter Fodrek
    Zlatý podporovatel

    >.. se možnosti získání dat z GPU Intel Gen9 (Gen8 se chyba netýká)

    ale týka aj Gen7 a Gern7.5 okrem Gen9

    The Linux kernel patch for this hardware defect that was merged earlier today only was for the very common Gen9 graphics, basically from Skylake through all relevant/shipping CPUs today pre-Icelake. The patch had mentioned though Gen8 was not impacted thanks to an earlier workaround. But now it turns out Intel Gen7/Gen7.5 graphics are also affected: this basically means Ivy Bridge and Haswell processors along with the likes of Valley View.