... Did you mean: Irving Azoff :
Irving Azoff (born December 12, 1947) is an American personal manager, representing recording artists such as Christina Aguilera, Journey, the Eagles, Joe Walsh, Van Halen, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Steely Dan, Lindsey Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac, and entertainer Chelsea Handler ...
Eagles Manager Irving Azoff Demands RXeXmXoXvXaXl of 20,000 Songs From YouTube
Pharrell Williams' Lawyer to YouTube: RXeXmXoXvXe Our Songs or Face $1 Billion Lawsuit
PS: PROČ jsem se přihlašoval, když mne ten prudce inteligentní ochránce čistoty jazyka a politické korektnosti nenechá normálně vložit příspěvek? (omluva za ta X)