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Názor ke zprávičce Jak renderuje fonty Microsoft a Apple od Peto_MiG - Článok je hustý, ale poučný. Našiel som krásnu...

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  • 11. 7. 2007 10:26

    Peto_MiG (neregistrovaný)
    Článok je hustý, ale poučný. Našiel som krásnu vetu, tlieskam. Asi si ju zarámujem na stenu: It looks like Microsoft API is a huge set of ill-considered random ad-hoc solutions, with no engineering culture and no any common idea behind. Typically you can use Microsoft software only in one rigidly straightforward way. Step to the left or step to the right — and you fail. I admit it might be good for business, but it's unfair. It prevents others from fair competition and stops the progress. The anti-monopoly committee should take into account namely this situation instead of ridiculous requirements to remove the Media Player or Internet Explorer from Windows.