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Názor ke zprávičce Jižní Korea přechází na Linux od dustin - Chce si to přečíst originál As the Aju Business...

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  • 14. 2. 2020 9:09


    Chce si to přečíst originál

    As the Aju Business Daily, a South Korean business news site, explained: Government officials currently use two physical, air-gapped PCs. One is external for internet use, and the other is internal for intranet tasks. Only the external one will use a Linux-based distro. Eventually, by 2026, most civil servants will use a single Windows-powered laptop. On that system, Windows will continue to be used for internal work, while Linux will be used as a virtual desktop via a Linux-powered cloud server. This looks to eventually end up as a Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) model.