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Microsoft nakonec získal patent na FAT od anonym - >Aspoň podle patentového zákona nelze patentovat něco, co...

  • Článek je starý, nové názory již nelze přidávat.
  • 11. 1. 2006 13:51

    >Aspoň podle patentového zákona nelze patentovat něco, co je již známo, Vitaj v realite-dnes uz legenda Lawyer moves to patent wheel The "circular transportation facilitation device" An Australian man has registered a patent for a "circular transportation facilitation device" - more commonly known as the wheel. este, ze to nechce zneuzit Melbourne patent lawyer John Keogh said he registered the patent to show flaws in an intellectual property law that came into effect in May, the Australian newspaper The Age reported. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/1418165.stm