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Nová verze Zabbix 7.0.2: Opravy chyb a automatická konverze tabulky history_bin

31. 7. 2024


Zabbix Autor: Depositphotos, Zabbix

V pondělí 29. července 2024 byla vydána nová verze Zabbix 7.0.2 LTS. Tato verze přináší opravy několika chyb, včetně opravy šablony Kubernetes Kubelet by HTTP. Přestože nových funkcí není mnoho, za zmínku stojí konverze tabulky history_bin na hypertable v rámci TimescaleDB. Tato konverze proběhne automaticky po aktualizaci balíčků a restartu Zabbix serveru.

Je doporučeno po aktualizaci ověřit, zda konverze proběhla úspěšně pomocí následujícího dotazu:

SELECT * FROM chunks_detailed_si­ze('history_bin') ORDER BY chunk_name, node_name;

Podrobný přehled změn a novinek je dostupný na stránkách výrobce a v dokumentaci. Balíčky jsou již k dispozici v oficiálním repozitáři.

Tato zprávička byla zaslána čtenářem serveru Root.cz pomocí formuláře Přidat zprávičku. Děkujeme!

Našli jste v článku chybu?
  • 5. 8. 2024 10:45

    Martin Vancl

    Konverze se asi pri aktualizaci z 7.0.0 na 7.0.2 nepovedla:

    zabbix=# SELECT * FROM chunks_detailed_size('history_bin') ORDER BY chunk_name, node_name;
    ERROR:  function chunks_detailed_size(unknown) does not exist
    LINE 1: SELECT * FROM chunks_detailed_size('history_bin') ORDER BY ...
    HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.

    Kdyz jsem zkusil naimportovat rucne schema, opet to skoncilo s chybou:

    root@zabbix / # dpkg -l | grep zabbix-server
    ii  zabbix-server-pgsql                1:7.0.2-1+debian12                             amd64        Zabbix network monitoring solution - server (PostgreSQL)
    root@zabbix / #
    root@zabbix / # cat /usr/share/zabbix-sql-scripts/postgresql/timescaledb/schema.sql | sudo -i -u postgres psql zabbix
    ERROR:  cannot drop function cuid_timestamp(character varying) because other objects depend on it
    DETAIL:  constraint constraint_2571 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5103_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2572 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5104_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2573 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5105_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2574 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5106_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2575 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5107_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2576 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5108_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2577 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5109_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2578 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5110_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2579 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5111_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2580 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5112_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2581 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5113_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2582 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5114_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2583 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5115_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2584 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5116_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2585 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5117_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2586 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5118_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2587 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5119_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2588 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5120_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2589 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5121_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2590 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5122_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2591 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5123_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2592 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5124_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2593 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5125_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2594 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5126_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2595 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5127_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2596 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5128_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2597 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5129_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2598 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5130_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2599 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5131_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2600 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5132_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2601 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5133_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2602 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5134_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2607 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5143_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2637 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5201_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2669 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5264_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2699 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5323_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    constraint constraint_2728 on table _timescaledb_internal._hyper_15_5381_chunk depends on function cuid_timestamp(character varying)
    HINT:  Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
    NOTICE:  PostgreSQL version 14.12 (Debian 14.12-1.pgdg120+1) is valid
    NOTICE:  TimescaleDB extension is detected
    NOTICE:  TimescaleDB version 2.15.3 is valid
    NOTICE:  table "history" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE:  table "history_uint" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE:  table "history_log" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE:  table "history_text" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE:  table "history_str" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE:  table "history_bin" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE:  table "auditlog" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE:  table "trends" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE:  table "trends_uint" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE:  TimescaleDB extension is already installed; not changing configuration
    NOTICE:  TimescaleDB is configured successfully

    Muzete mi prosim poradit, jak to resit?

  • 5. 8. 2024 15:31

    Zlatý podporovatel

    Kdyz jsem psal zpravicku tak jsem aktualizoval Zabbix 7.0.2 z 7.0.1 na Debianu a provedlo se to automaticky.

    Dnes jsem upgrade provadel na FreeBSD 14.1 a samo se to neprovedlo.

    88606:2024080­5:163410.738 [Z3005] query failed: [0] PGRES_FATAL_ER­ROR:ERROR: table "history_bin" is not a hypertable
    [select set_integer_now_fun­c('history_bin', 'zbx_ts_unix_now', true)]
    88606:2024080­5:163410.738 Table "history_bin" is not a hypertable. Execute TimescaleDB configuration step as described in Zabbix documentation to upgrade schema.

    Opravite to tak ze opetovne importujeje timescaledb schema
    psql zabbix < /usr/local/sha­re/zabbix7/ser­ver/database/pos­tgresql/times­caledb/schema­.sql

  • 5. 8. 2024 16:12

    Martin Vancl

    To presne jsem delal a neslo to:

    root@zabbix / # cat /usr/share/zabbix-sql-scripts/postgresql/timescaledb/schema.sql | sudo -i -u postgres psql zabbix
    ERROR:  cannot drop function cuid_timestamp(character varying) because other objects depend on it
  • 6. 8. 2024 6:26



    # cat /usr/share/zabbix-sql-scripts/postgres­ql/timescaled­b/schema.sql | sudo -i -u postgres psql zabbix
    ERROR: cannot drop function cuid_timestam­p(character varying) because other objects depend on it
    DETAIL: constraint constraint_361 on table _timescaledb_in­ternal._hyper_15_439_c­hunk depends on function cuid_timestam­p(character varying)
    constraint constraint_390 on table _timescaledb_in­ternal._hyper_15_468_c­hunk depends on function cuid_timestam­p(character varying)
    DOPORUČENÍ: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
    NOTICE: PostgreSQL version 15.7 (Debian 15.7-0+deb12u1) is valid
    NOTICE: TimescaleDB extension is detected
    NOTICE: TimescaleDB version 2.15.3 is valid
    NOTICE: table "history" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE: table "history_uint" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE: table "history_log" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE: table "history_text" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE: table "history_str" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE: table "history_bin" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE: table "auditlog" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE: table "trends" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE: table "trends_uint" is already a hypertable, skipping
    NOTICE: TimescaleDB extension is already installed; not changing configuration
    NOTICE: TimescaleDB is configured successfully

  • 6. 8. 2024 9:25

    Zlatý podporovatel

    Overte zda skutecne se tabulka neprevedla na hypertable.

    NOTICE: table "history_bin" is already a hypertable, skipping

    SELECT * FROM chunks_detailed_si­ze('history_bin') ORDER BY chunk_name, node_name;

    Pokud si zabbix server po restartu nestenuje tak je tabulka history_bin jiz prevedena na hypertable.

  • 6. 8. 2024 17:55


    Zabbix běží, ale je to OK?

    PostgreSQL version 15.7 (Debian 15.7-0+deb12u1)
    TimescaleDB version 2.15.3

    zabbix=> SELECT * FROM chunks_detailed_si­ze('history_bin') ORDER BY chunk_name, node_name;
    chunk_schema | chunk_name | table_bytes | index_bytes | toast_bytes | total_bytes | node_name
    (0 rows)

  • 7. 8. 2024 9:07

    Zlatý podporovatel

    Podle me ano, dotazem se ptate chunks v hypertable jen tam aktualne neni zadny zaznam. Nevim presne co se do history_bin zapisuje. Cekal bych datovy typ, ktery asi nepouzivate a proto tam nic neni. Ale konverze klasicke tabulky na hypertable v ramci Zabbix 7.0.2 je v poradku.

Autor zprávičky