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Názor ke zprávičce Open Source v jižní Americe od Pavel.n4 - Pokud je pravda to co se píše v...

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  • 13. 2. 2005 18:34

    Pavel.n4 (neregistrovaný)
    Pokud je pravda to co se píše v druhém komentáři pod originálním článkem,tak to v Peru bohužel dopadlo dost neslavně.

    "Unfortunately, the episode about Peru is too old.
    bill gates came, with lots of publicity, talked about how Peru is a "50 million dollars market", and then gave a symbollic donation to schools. in the paper it's half a million dollars, but in practice it was a few computers with useless software like SQL server and such, to inflate the price.

    the stupid part was that the press repeated so many times the 50million figure, that most people think he donated that amount of money! of course, he got our president in the pocket.

    the proposed law wasn't discussed anymore.