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Názor ke zprávičce pfSense 2.4.1-RELEASE opravuje chybu KRACK ve WPA2 od Lukáš Malý - O tom ze prejmenovavaji VLAN jsem nepsal. Ale...

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  • 25. 10. 2017 13:35

    Lukáš Malý
    Zlatý podporovatel

    O tom ze prejmenovavaji VLAN jsem nepsal. Ale v oznameni to maji ...

    Changed the VLAN interface names to use the ‘dotted’ format now utilized by FreeBSD, which is shorter and helps to keep the interface name smaller than the limit (16) This fixes the 4 digit VLAN issues when the NIC name is 6 bytes long. This change was made not only to fix the name length issue, but also to reduce the differences between how FreeBSD uses VLANs and how they are used by pfSense interface functions.

    Upgradoval jsem router kde VLANy pouzivam. A na problemy jsem nenarazil. Zadne VLAN se mi neprejmenovali.