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Raspberry Pi OS 2023-05-03 s Matlabem

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  • 10. 5. 2023 9:15


    Aha, to mi vrtalo. On ten matlab nebezi primo na maline. Na to je matlab prilis rozezrany. Destkopovy matlab se umi spojit s malinou a vyuzit tamni hardware, anebo si matlab program zkonvertovat do C a spustit na maline.

    Tak premyslim kdo sahne po matlabu, kdyz to same muze s GNU Octave, a navic GNU Octave muze primo pustit i na te maline.

    To mi na matlabu casem zacalo strasne vadit - nez se pusti ten jejich rozezrany GUI, tak to prilis dlouho trva, a pak clovek stejne jen pise do lepsi konzole. Jejich editor grafu je sice hezky, ale cele to GUI sezere dost ram aby uz nezbylo na vypocty. Nastesti to uz pouzivam jen kvuli testovani kompatibility.

    "Interactive communication: You can remotely communicate with a Raspberry Pi from a desktop installation of MATLAB or through a web browser with MATLAB Online. Acquire data from sensors and imaging devices connected to the Raspberry Pi and then analyze and visualize it in MATLAB.

    Standalone execution: With MATLAB Coder, you can develop standalone embedded applications for Raspberry Pi. Use the interactive communication to prototype and develop your MATLAB algorithm, then automatically generate equivalent C code and deploy it to the Raspberry Pi to run as a standalone application."