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Odpovídáte na názor ke zprávičce Real-time Linux se po dvaceti letech dostane do hlavní větve jádra.

  • Včera 11:12

    Peter Fodrek
    Zlatý podporovatel

    Samozrejme, hlavne, ak

    1.tam bude

    >aby reagoval na události a zpracovával data v přísně omezeném čase, který se
    >často měří v milisekundách nebo mikrosekundách.

    občas aj v desiatkach nanosekúnd

    1. hlaven sa všetci boja, aby to zostalo, keďže na to majviac robili Ingo s Thomasom


    Last week at the Intel 2022 Investor Meeting, company leaders reiterated our commitment to foster an open ecosystem that ensures trust, choice and interoperability for our industry. Today, in a furtherance of that commitment, we are excited to announce Intel’s acquisition of Linutronix.

    Linutronix is comprised of a team of highly qualified and motivated employees with a wealth of experience and involvement in the ongoing development of Linux. Led by CEO Heinz Egger and CTO Thomas Gleixner, Linutronix is the architect of PREEMPT_RT (Real Time) and the leading technology provider for industrial Linux. Gleixner has been the principal maintainer of x86 architecture in the Linux kernel since 2008.

    Ingo Molnár
    Together with Thomas Gleixner, he worked on the real-time preemption (PREEMPT_RT) patch set, which aims to reduce the maximum thread switching latency of the Linux kernel from an unbounded number of milliseconds to down to bounded values in the order of tens of microseconds (depending on the system)https://­en.wikipedia.or­g/wiki/Ingo_Mol­n%C3%A1r

    + Dr. Carsten Emde a jeden pán profesor z Videne a potom z Číny (edit: napadol ma prof. Nicholas McGuire)

    a k tomu
    4. 8. 2024

    Intel propustí minimálně 15 tisíc lidí

    Tak by to mohlo "skapať.", ak by to neskončilo v hlavcnej vetve

    19. 9. 2024, 11:15 editováno autorem komentáře