An awful lot of noise and nonsense is being made about this bug . Here are a couple of facts:
1. The bug was never in any released version of RHEL.
2. It was caught during Red Hat’s internal QA process. The bug report is filed by a Red Hat tester.
In other words, the system works. Anyone who says this is a bug in RHEL or Red Hat is releasing buggy software that will eat your hard drive is lying to you.
Vypadá to že ten chybný kód dal do Bugzilly dal nějaký kolemjdoucí uživatel, ale to samozřejmě neomlouvá toho RH packagera který měl momentální zatmění mozku a ten hrozivě nebezpečný kód přijmul:
No prave proto jsou vedle packageru lidi z QA, kteri to velmi spravne zachytili a zadny uzivatel tim nebyl a ani nemohl byt poskozen (protoze RHEL 6.7 jeste neni venku a RHEL 7.x a Fedory na tomto uz nestoji). Navic se ukazuje vyhoda otevrene Bugzilly v porovnani s jinymi systemy ;)