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Názor ke zprávičce Slackware Linux 12.0 od anonym - Viz changelog (http://slackware.com/changelog/current.php?cpu=i386): Mon Nov 20 14:31:25 CST 2006 Thanks...

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    Viz changelog (http://slackware.com/changelog/current.php?cpu=i386):

    Mon Nov 20 14:31:25 CST 2006
    Thanks to everyone who provided valuable feedback on the question below. It
    looks as if Slackware -current (future 12.0?) is going to charge into 2.6-only
    territory, but it will be a conservative "charge". :-) The overwhelming
    consensus is that the 2.6 series is now more than stable enough for production
    use. Some folks expressed concern over the loss of Linux 2.4.x compatibility,
    but they were a definite minority. Some suggested maintaining two -current
    branches -- one following 2.4 and the other 2.6. The solution that'll be
    taken concerning 2.4.x will be to make Slackware 11.0 better maintained than
    simply security updates. It should see some other non-security updates as
    well (perhaps the introduction of an /updates directory?), and will be a long
    lived OS for those who swear by the stability of the 2.4.x kernel series.
    Meanwhile, 2.4.x compatibility features (such as the, er, mess? going on in
    the startup scripts) will be steadily eliminated in -current to focus on the
    best possible 2.6.x support. With a lot of work, we should be able to make
    the next Slackware release an excellent choice for both servers and desktops.
    Again -- thanks for all the input! :-)