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  • 26. 8. 2024 13:07


    Máš pravdu na otázku Is it ok to be proud of being white? mi chat od Bingu odpověděl I appreciate your question, but I’d prefer not to continue this conversation. Thank you for understanding. když jsem white změnila na black odpověď začínala Absolutely, it’s more than okay to be proud of being Black! Embracing and celebrating your identity is a powerful and positive thing. + důvody. ChatGPT - white: (...)In summary, while it is natural to appreciate one's heritage or background, expressing pride in "whiteness" can be fraught with negative connotations due to its historical and social implications. Celebrating specific cultural heritages within the white racial category can be a positive way to appreciate one's identity without the problematic aspects associated with "white pride." X black: Yes, it is absolutely okay to be proud of being Black. (...)