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Názor ke zprávičce TrueCrypt je bezpečný, potvrzuje i druhá část auditu od hugochavez - FBI udajne vyzvedla 2 maly holky o ktery...

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  • 9. 4. 2015 0:28

    hugochavez (neregistrovaný)

    FBI udajne vyzvedla 2 maly holky o ktery se tou dobou staral a pak mu rekli ze jeho samotnyho ted seberou a deti pujdou automaticky do decaku protoze jejich matka (=hackerova teta) sedi toho casu ve vezeni, coz asi bylo duvodem proc -> Since literally the day he was arrested, the defendant has been cooperating with the government proactively," sometimes staying up all night engaging in conversations with co-conspirators to help the government build cases against them, Assistant U.S. Attorney James Pastore said at a secret bail hearing on August 5, 2011. A few days after that bail hearing, Monsegur entered a guilty plea to 12 criminal charges, including multiple counts of conspiracy to engage in computer hacking, computer hacking in furtherance of fraud, conspiracy to commit access device fraud, conspiracy to commit bank fraud and aggravated identity theft. He faced up to 124 years in prison